SASOLBURG. – The construction of a R3,7 billion housing development is planned in the Sasolburg Municipality area. SASOLBURG. – The construction of a R3,7 billion housing development is planned in the Sasolburg Municipality area. Planning of the new Sasolburg town extension was completed by Vaal Plan Town and regional planners in December 2014.
The new housing development will include 7 000 residential units of which 3 000 units are allocated for affordable housing. This R3.7 billion development will not only provide a much-needed boost in the local economy but will also create thousands of job opportunities in a town which has seen large-scale job cuts due to lower oil and steel prices.
The local municipality reached out to local developers (mostly consisting of developers active along the Vaal River) to assist with installation of bulk service sewage and water services as a means to assist in funding of the bulk services infra structure project. The planned development of the town could not proceed without the bulk services being installed.
Lizelle Business Trust was the only developer that was prepared to back the council in realising this dream. In the public-private partnership that ensued, it was agreed that Lizelle Business Trust would finance the design and installation of the 300mm water and sewer lines required. The capital cost of the infrastructure would then be paid back to the trust from proceeds generated from the existing and future developments. Construction of the R40m bulk services infrastructure project commenced in August 2015 with practical completion in July 2016. The water and sewer lines designed and monitored by ILIFA Africa has a current capacity to service 2 000 housing units but can be increased to service up to 4 000 housing units with some minor engineering additions.
Existing developments immediately benefiting from this project include Miraldi Estates, Edge of the Vaal and La Bella Cascina.
With full access to the recently installed bulk services, development of the Wonderfontein River Estate can now proceed without delay. More than 400 immediate jobs were created at this 1st ‘fully green’ R120m development.
Various local business and private investors support the Lizelle Business Trust. NEDBANK was the only financial institution willing to assist with loans and financing. ILIFA Africa (Design), REYAAKGA Projects (Civil construction), Modern irrigation (supply of pipes) assisted by offering favourable payment terms. Private investors included Johnny Moleleki (Property owner in Wonderfontein River Estate), Johan van Vuuren (Private investor) and Riaan van Aswegen (Living on Vaal Real Estate). Mayor Brutus Mahlaku quoted at the official inauguration of the Wonderfontein bulk sewage and water services: “Our responsibility as a municipality is to support and create a conducive atmosphere for business to grow and enhance prosperity, of our people. My office door is open as a mayor for engagement with any members of the community.”